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Mehrwert: Interactive installation against Food Waste | Set Design, Art Direction, Photography of Art Work
Collaboration with Guerilla Architects and Entretempo Kitchen Gallery. Concept and Interior Design by Guerilla Architects
Lemon Juice: Free Fashion Editorial. Styling, Art Direction, Photography
Boulevard Of Woken Dreams | Exhibition & art project in collaboration with Matthias Heumeier @spaceingeneral
Curator: Leyla Velarde Medina de Schüring, Supported by Aktion neue Nachbarn, Kreisdekanat Rhein-Sieg & SKM - Katholischen Verein für soziale Dienste im Rhein-Sieg-Kreis e. V. Additional artists: Ahmad, Bahare, Benjamin, Chamzat, Elias, Hadiza, Hakan, Henry, Ilia, Kawsar, Komeil, Laia, Leia, Mahan, Mahnaz, Masume, Muhammad, Parasto, Peyman, Rohan, Sana, Shaza. For all artworks & more information check the projects website:

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